Saturday, May 7, 2011

Teaching English as a Foreing Language (TEFL)

Prepare lesson plans to teach English as a second language needs of your students. There are several effective ways to do so, including a standard TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) structure, and focus on tests taken in the goals and practical approaches.

Structure of TEFL

You can use the method to create TEFL lesson plans for all occasions, including work books, test preparation and more abstract creative leisure. TEFL preparation lesson plan includes a multitude of factors, which may be useful if they are registered to while you create a lesson plan. They include: Purpose, which is a statement explaining why you have chosen a specific plan, Purpose, explains that the goal you want to achieve; elements of language such as "grammar" of lexical items such as new words vocabulary, phonology, which describes how you will focus on pronunciation; materials, such as flash cards or a game, and the procedure that will map out how you incorporate the above elements and objectives in your plan .

In general, you should focus for your students to learn one or two specific objectives in each lesson plan. For example, you could learn the second conditional tense, and latest vocabulary words, a sample sentence writing on the card, such as, "If I were a pop star, I ___________." This sentence teaches students how to use the second condition, and the meaning of "pop star".
Test Preparation

Most important objective of students in an English course is often the preparation for exams, or for a visa or other educational activities. In this case, it is essential to be familiar with the actual tests which are preparing your students, and what section or sections of this test, you focus on your lesson plan. English tests are usually reading, writing, listening and speaking sections. The most common standardized international English tests are IELTS (International English Language Testing System), Cambridge, TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication). When preparing a lesson plan for these tests, it is best to find a sample test you can do online, and look over to get a good idea of exactly what your students are going to the meeting. Richard Gresswell recommends that IELTS "Test Preparation" lesson plan to start the conversation among the students to discover what they know or do not know about a specific test. The lesson should then proceed to more details about the test, such as the duration of each unit and the time allotted to complete. Subsequently, the lesson should focus on a particular aspect of the event, such as reading or listening, and finish with an activity in class time using this aspect of the test.


Often, especially in the more advanced English courses, you'll have a group of students who do not follow exercises book, wants more familiar phrases having to do with the country where you are, or simply need a break from the rigid structures inside the classroom. Some ideas of how to integrate the originality in your classroom include: printing the transcript of a television program, read it over with your students and watch it in class, acting on a book or play, play a game, or just go to the park.

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