Phonetic Definition
Articulatory System
Respiratory System
Auditory System
Phonetics is the study of speech sounds, and involves the creation and production of sound by the human voice. There are several elements that combine to produce speech sounds. These include articulators, or mouth movements. organs of speech, such as the respiratory system, assist in the production of speech and auditory phonetics. The human voice can create speech sounds of many, that vary by language. The English language has 13 vowels and 24 consonants, which vary depending on the dialect.The Phonetic dictionary can also be download over the internet.
Articulatory System
Articulatory system consist of mouth,nose, teeth,tongue,roof of the mouth and lips. These compositions work collectively to generate the phonetic. Air streaming through the nose and the tongue touching behind the front teeth, creates the sound of the alphabet "n" closed lips producing sounds like "p" by pushing air. Specific movements and placements of these components to create different sounds.
Respiratory System
Organs of speech also work in cooperation with the articulators to produce sounds. An example is the respiratory system or lungs, chest muscles and the trachea that works with the larynx. The larynx above the trachea has two vocal cords or ropes, which operate like lips. The air in the lungs, coordination with the muscles of the chest opens and closes the vocal cords vibrate, producing phonetic sounds. The respiratory system is complex, containing many structures that work in coordination to produce the phonetic.
![Basics of Phonetics](
The auditory system includes the perception or understanding of the phonetic sounds. As a baby begins to recognize sounds, she began to babble. Babies babble first vowel sounds like "a" or "e" As a mother repeats the child's sounds, phonetics grow and develop. In general, the production of intelligible speech begins between 18 and 48 months. As children develop speech sounds, they will string sounds into words and eventually spelling sentences.
If your child unable to produce phonetic sounds, or sounds that are meaningless or unaccented, this may show a speech impairment or delay.It is better to contact a health professional for testing.